Here are some pics from the meal I prepared for our 12th Anniversary dinner. Jen likes lasagna, she also likes ravioli, so I combined the two and made ravioli lasagna! I made a ground beef, spinach and mushroom mixture for the ravioli stuffing and made some marinara sauce. After I browned the beef I added the spinach and sauted mushrooms all together in the food processor with some bread crumbs and an egg to make the texture easier to deal with to stuff into the pasta sheets. It turned out pretty good I think. I got to use the ravioli maker Jen got me for xmas, works like a charm. Enjoy the pics.
This was one of the best things I have ever eaten...hands down! The meat mixture inside the ravioli was so tender and smooth. Sean used my home-ground beef so there was no question that it was high quality chuck and sirloin :) It was a ton of work for him so next time I'm going to ask for double so I can freeze some!