Monday, September 5, 2011

Pizza time

I tried to make a tomato, mozzarella and basil pizza tonite.  Let's just say the photos turned out better then the actual taste of the pizza. But then again it was my first time making dough. So I cut myself some slack. The first pic is the pizza before the oven and the second is after it baked. I think next time I'll have to go with a Boboli crust.



  1. I have not yet mastered the pizza arts myself Mike. I salute your attempt! That first pic is a beauty. Dont give up and give into the nasty Boboli! And next time dont put the fresh herbs (basil) on before you bake:)

  2. Pizza is hard! My recent success has come from par-baking the crust. Basically I stretch the crust on some cornmeal and then bake on my pizza stone (cookie sheet would work) for about 10 until it is set. Then I top and finish the cooking. By that point any stick-age has been handled and you have no raw dough in the middle.

  3. Hmm...I should post my dough recipe, eh?
